About Kristi

Kristi writes romances that will tug your heartstrings and laugh-out-loud twisty mysteries.

In all her stories you’ll fall in love with the cast of characters, they’ll become familiar, fun friends.

When Kristi's not writing, she's spinning (riding a stationary bike), repurposing Happy Planners, watching or listening to true crime podcasts, and probably drinking a London Fog (hot tea with frothy milk).

Kristi is the mom of 2 and a milspouse (retired). She lives in the Pacific Northwest and is under-prepared if one of the volcanoes erupts.

Here are 3 things about Kristi:

 She lived on the outskirts of an active volcano (Mt.Etna)

A spider bit her and it laid eggs in her arm (her kids don’t know that story yet and she doesn't want to tell them)

 She grew up in Central Florida and has skied in lakes with gators.